Head of International Department, Swiss eduGLOBE
Mr Defuns has built up a life long relationship with The Gymnasium & Internat Kloster Disentis (GKD). He spent his adolescence and obtained the Matura Certificate at the GKD. Now he is the head of the music and language department and a board member of the GKD. He has taken over the International Department since 2015 and has achieved continuous success.
PIC Asia Region, Swiss eduGLOBE
Ms Lo has become part of the Gymnasium & Internat Kloster Disentis (GKD) since 2015 and Swiss eduGLOBE since 2017. Ms Lo concentrates on assisting students from Asian countries to go to one of the best high schools in Switzerland. Parents and students are welcome to consult Ms Lo about Swiss education in German, English, Chinese and Cantonese.